Personal Financial Planning

Personal Financial Planning

Thanks for considering us! And congratulations, for most people financial planning is an afterthought.

We have to assume that if you’re reading this, you are already thinking about getting your finances in order. Our approach is simple and follows one of our pillars: Longevity. We’re in this for the long haul!

A great financial plan contains several components and we’re here to help you achieve all the aspects you would like to address. We do so at a reasonable price because we believe financial literacy is the key that can lead to financial independence. Unfortunately, this can become a trickier task to complete when yearly fees to streaming services (i.e. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu) cost less than your average cost to meet with a financial planner. (not a “Robo" Advisor)

Whether you’re new to the process and looking to modify an existing strategy, plans will evolve. And with time, you’ll want someone who has your best interest in mind.

When you purchase our service, you get more than budgeting advice.

We will go through the 6 stages of financial planning and ensure each client gets the maximum benefit from the annual program. At the very least, we’ll serve as an educational resource within the components of financial planning.

1. Introduction and Establishments of Goals

-  With a brief conversation, we’ll introduce ourselves and answer your questions. We’ll then determine objectives such as investment goals, cash management and any general inquiries that can help achieve your specific goals.

2. Gather the relevant data

-  Once your needs are discussed we’ll ask for the required information in order to make recommendations and set forth an appropriate strategy.

3. Analyze the data

-  Now that we’ve gathered relevant data we can analyze your information and begin to make general assumptions of your potential financial outcomes. we can now begin to strategize and determine if you’re on track to reach your goals. 

4. Develop a plan

-  Given the answers we uncover with steps 1 through 3 we can create a plan that would fit your needs. Since there are many variables to consider it is likely that as we move forward with any plan we will have to adapt in order to ensure it remains within your reach.

5. Implement the plan

 -  Here comes the hard part. The plan is developed, now comes discipline. It is never an easy task to change our habits. We hope to be a great resource for you at this step. At this point you will want to take advantage of any type of automation offered to you by your respective account holders.

6. Monitor the plan

-  Whether its monthly, quarterly or yearly you’ll want to check-in on your status and confirm if any new information needs to be considered. Adjustments will be made accordingly.

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Plan to live longer and better. Plan for Longevity with BMG

Plan to live longer and better. Plan for Longevity with BMG