Subscription Promotion

Subscription Promotion

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For a limited time BMG, LLC is offering our subscribers a chance to win a $150.00 gift card to the coffee shop of their choice. This averages out to about 1 cup of coffee per day for a month.

To us, this number is alarming as it demonstrates how quickly a morning ritual can add up. A yearly expense of $1,800 is not something to be dismissed lightly. For this reason we would like to reward a lucky subscriber & hopefully encourage everyone to review their spending habits.

Today’s inflation rate stands at 4.93% and it is very likely that the price of many consumer items will remain high for the coming years. We highly encourage our subscribers to take a proactive approach towards their finances by conducting regular reviews and exploring avenues for potential savings!

*Disclaimer: By subscribing to our newsletter and participating in our prize campaign, we want to assure you that your subscription and eligibility to receive the gift are not affected. We value your engagement and commitment as a subscriber, and we respect your rights. Please note that in order to qualify for the prize, it is essential to meet the campaign's specific requirements and criteria listed in the privacy policy. However, regardless of your participation or eligibility for the prize, you will still continue to receive the benefits and content associated with your subscription. Your entitlement to the gift is separate from the prize campaign and will not be affected by your participation or non-participation in the campaign. At BMG, we are committed to providing equal opportunities to all our subscribers. If you have any questions or concerns about the prize campaign or your eligibility, please feel free to reach out. We are here to assist you and ensure a transparent and fair experience for all our valued subscribers. Thank you for being a part of our community and for your ongoing support. 
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